This works by recording information at specific intervals into a global file that can then be post processed to display information about the machine. 它以指定的时间间隔将相关信息记录到一个全局文件中,然后可以在事后对该文件进行处理以显示计算机的相关信息,该工具正是以这种方式为您提供帮助。
I want you to put that on every TV station, post office, and fax machine in Arizona and the southwest. I want to make that face famous. 我要你把这个照片放到亚利桑那州所有的电视台上,邮局里,传真机上和西南地区。我想让拿张脸出名。
Post Processing and Simulation of Turbine Blade Machining Program on Novel Hybrid Machine Tool 新型并串联机床加工叶片程序的后置处理与仿真
The Development and Application of Post Processing Program of the Blade in Five Coordinate Linkage Milling Machine 叶片五坐标联动加工后置处理开发及应用
I'll post a chart when I build a good alternator test machine and get some better results! 我会后有一个图表,当我建立了良好的交流发电机试验机和获得一些更好的结果!
Study on Post Processing Algorithm of Five-axis CNC Machine 五坐标数控机床后置处理算法的研究
Adaptability analysis of technology and economy of grain post harvest machine 粮食产后收获机械的技术经济适应性分析
Post Transform of Multi-Axis Machine Based on Structural Error Compensation 基于结构误差补偿的多坐标机床后置变换
The table moves rapidly in both horizontal and vertical direction, the tool post is with auto tool lifter, the handles collect, so the machine is with easy operation& advanced automation. 机床工作台能实现快速水平和垂直移动,架具有自动抬机构,机床手柄集中,操作方便,自动化程度高。
This machine series is a new product series of JUKEON brand post bed lockstitch sewing machine. 本系列机型是重科高台机的新产品,采用综合送料方式和立柱式缝台。
Study on the Post Processing Algorithm for Five-axis CNC Machine with Dual Rotary Tables 双转台五轴数控机床后置处理算法研究
Establish and Realization of the Control Model of Mail Delivery Set of Post Sorting Machine 邮政分拣机的上件器控制模型的建立与实现
We recommend each student have a project website as a good place to post milestone reports as well as the details of your machine development. 我们建议每个学生都建立一个计画网站,作为张贴你的里程碑报告和机器研发具体细节的好地方。
The design of post processing program in automatic programming of CNC machine 数控机床自动编程中后置处理程序的设计
General Post Processing Program Developing of NC Machine Tool 数控机床通用后置处理程序的开发
Design of a Rocker-Slider Mechanism Used in Post Container Tip Machine 直升救护机医疗设备集装箱集装箱码头设备的计算机管理一种用于邮政集装箱箱体翻转的摆杆滑块机构的设计
Post sorting machine is a kind of large-scale, combinatory equipment with mechanics, electric and computer technologies. 邮政分拣机是一种大型的机、电、计算机一体化设备。
Research on Dynamics of Copying Post of Piston Turning Machine 活塞车床仿形刀架动态特性研究
Raising machine is one kind of equipment of textile post-disposing, also named as fluffing machine or fuzzing machine. 起毛机又称为拉绒机、起绒机,是一种织物后处理设备。
Research on Post Procession Arithmetic of a Kind of Five-axis Machine Tool With Swing-head and Tilt Platform 一种摆头转台式五轴机床后处理算法研究
In this paper we elaborate some discussion and writer's actual experience aimed at post process of using UG software to identify two rotary axes of five-axis hexapod machine centre and initialize beginning of Procedure. 根据作者的实际体会就应用UG软件针对五轴加工中心的两个旋转轴的定义和程序开头初始化的后处理问题作了一些探讨。
This task stem from surface study and design of Human-machine interface of Belt type high speed post parcel sorting machine of Guiyang PUTIAN Universal Distribution Technique Stock. 本课题来源于贵阳普天万向物流技术股份有限公司的带式高速邮包分拣机的人机界面设计。
The Post Processing Method of the Five-axis Linkage CNC Machine 五轴联动数控机床的后置处理方法
Generation of cutter location data and post-processing for parallel kinematic machine tools 并联机床刀位文件生成及后置处理
Design of Computer Control System of Post Sorting Machine Based on Image Recognition Technology 邮政分拣机计算机控制系统的研制